ANTIplonk is a loose and eclectic network of cultural producers working in the public domain. Rather than do anything in the public domain we'd rather be doing something collaboratively with someone, a group, whoever, than either for them or to them. The ANTIplonk network is a network of networks working with the realisation that as 'a collective', and with pooled resources, a collaboration involving EVERYONE can deliver more appropriate cultural outcomes.
ANTIplonk takes inspiration from the pejorative slang term for public art, "plop art" – but with an Ozzie vernacular twist – "reality hacking" and conceptual art. ANTIplonk is informed by the artmaking cum cultural production of the late 20th Century. Minimalism, Fluxus and Dada holds attractions for the network. 'Neofluxusism' in particular, like its foreshadow, is:
• More an attitude and/or an aesthetic than it could ever be a movement;
• A lot to do with the idea of 'intermedia' – the exploration/exploitation of what happens when different media bump up against each other;
• Where all kinds of everyday objects, sounds, images, and words can have a newness of meaning in combination.
The idea of the ordinary being extraordinary, fun even, is an attraction. But more than that, the realisation that working as a collective, and collaboratively, almost anything can be realised .Indeed, what might have been out of reach while working as individuals, becomes a possibility and within reach.
ANTIplonk is a network of cultural producers of all kinds organised by cultural producers for cultural producers towards realising ideas collaboratively that fit the circumstance of ‘place.’ Membership is open to like minded cultural producers – ego suppressive agents may be required. Most of all ANTIplonk is a not-for-profit network but nonetheless it is very much an income-generating-initiative.
The ANTIplonk ideal is that everyone engaged in a project is a collaborator in some way – here the collective skills base, the collective infrastructure, collective knowledge creates new and possibly unexpected opportunities. It is early days for ANTIplonk but it is envisaged that a group from within the network will coalesce to initiate a project, respond to a project opportunity, participate in a project. The consistent element will be that ' ANTIplonk Projects' will be collaborative with place and/or community as a focus.
The ANTIplonk network is currently seeking out opportunities to participate in and realise collaborative projects.
The ANTIplonk network is currently seeking out opportunities to participate in and realise collaborative projects.
It is recognised that informal collaborations sometimes have positive outcomes and other times not so positive outcomes. In many ways formalising a collaborative process is an anathema to many artists' and designer-makers' because the celebrated tradition in the 20th C Westernised culture was one where the individual's vision was held to have been of supreme importance – the cult of the individual.Nonetheless, in parallel collaborative teams achieved extraordinary outcomes – examples being, cinema, organ transplants in medicine, a great many consumer products, not to mention great buildings. Even if the 'leader' of the team input was celebrated at the expense of her/his collaborators, without whom the end result would not have been possible – or even able to be contemplated.
As a consequence, the ANTIplonk process calls for a relatively formal arrangement in organising a project;. Therefore, a Project Proposal will typically identify the collaborators who:
- Initiated the project – developed the concept, shaped the collaborative team;
- Provides expert technical support;
- Manages the realisation of the project; and
- Who will have other inputs into the project and in what context.
The ANTIplonk network is informal, envisaged as being a transient, project oriented network. Consequently, depending upon the projects the network engages in/with there will be a need to resolve the issues of legal status and liability. This will be done by either being auspiced by an appropriate legal entity or by incorporating as a group either short or long term. It is acknowledged that on a case by case basis there will be risks that will need to be mitigated and by the most appropriate means they will be.